(03/2019 Updated) Pilot Elite 95S pocket pen, blue corporate edition

Pilot Elite 95S pocket pen, blue corporate edition
百樂 Elite 95S 藍色株主限定版短鋼筆


Dimensions 尺寸資料
Length capped 含蓋:12.0 cm
Length uncapped 不含蓋:10.5 cm
Length posted 套蓋:14.7 cm

其實收藏短鋼以來,筆者一直都沒有入手Elite 95S。畢竟它至今仍持續生產,不算是罕有筆款,黑色與酒紅色桿也不是特別得我心。不過作為短鋼愛好者,不收一枝好像說不過去。終於,在日前,筆者遇到了一枝收藏價值與美麗兼備的Elite 95S——藍色株主限定版(株主優待品 エリート)!

As you may be aware, I am an absolute pocket pen lover. But, to be honest, I was not so interested in picking up the Pilot Elite 95S pocket fountain pen. It is because I am not particularly like the black and burgundy version and they are not rare. But how could a pocket pen lover doesn’t own an Elite 95S? Finally, I met an Elite 95S that is ravishing and highly collectable – blue corporate edition (株主優待品エリート)!

繼續閱讀 “(03/2019 Updated) Pilot Elite 95S pocket pen, blue corporate edition"

Pilot Short 伸縮短鋼 14k尖

Pilot Short 伸縮短鋼 14k



含蓋:11.2 cm
不含蓋:10.3 cm (11.8 cm)
套蓋:12.9 cm (14.4 cm)

一般的「口袋鋼筆」筆蓋長而筆身短,Pilot於1966年推出的Short(ショート)卻獨樹一幟,除了有短筆蓋和較長的筆身,還可以伸縮。 繼續閱讀 “Pilot Short 伸縮短鋼 14k尖"

Pilot Elite S-22 22k尖

Pilot Elite S-22 22k尖


含蓋:11.5 cm
不含蓋:10.1 cm
套蓋:14.2 cm

K金尖戰爭#4】 Sailor與Platinum分別於1969年和1970年推出21k與22k尖的短鋼筆:Mini 21Platinum 22。同為日本鋼筆三巨頭的Pilot自然不會落後,於1970年發佈了22k短鋼:Elite S-22(エリートS-22)。 繼續閱讀 “Pilot Elite S-22 22k尖"





1960年代末至1970年代中期,日本筆壇爆發了一場筆尖含金量高低的競賽——俗稱「K金尖戰爭」。各筆廠爭先生產含金量18K以上的筆尖。而大多金尖都裝配在短鋼之上,使短鋼成為這個舞台的第二主角。本文將為大家略述這場競賽始末,及展示競賽期間誕生的特別短鋼。 繼續閱讀 “專題:「K金尖戰爭與短鋼」"

(02/2019 Updated) Pilot Elite S-KaraKara pocket pen series

Pilot Elite S-KaraKara(からから/color and color) pocket pen series
百樂 Elite S-KaraKara(からから/color and color) 彩色短鋼筆系列

Pilot Elite S-KaraKara(からから/color and color) pocket pen series

Dimensions 尺寸資料
Length capped 含蓋:11.5 cm
Length uncapped 不含蓋:10.1 cm
Length posted 套蓋:14.2 cm

Elite S短鋼於1968年一炮而紅後,百樂乘勢推出更多Elite S短鋼筆系列,其中一條分支便是本篇介紹的Elite S-KaraKara(からから/color and color)。
After the vast success of Elite S in 1968, Pilot launched a series of Elite S pocket fountain pen. One of those is what I’m going to talk about today: Elite S-KaraKara (からから/color and color). 繼續閱讀 “(02/2019 Updated) Pilot Elite S-KaraKara pocket pen series"

(11/2019 Updated) The Legend of Pilot Elite S Pocket Fountain Pen Series 百樂Elite S短鋼筆家族歷史介紹

The Legend of Pilot Elite S Pocket Fountain Pen Series
傳奇短鋼筆——百樂Elite S短鋼筆家族歷史介紹

Pilot Elite S Pocket Pen Series

Dimensions 尺寸資料
Length capped 含蓋:11.5 cm
Length uncapped 不含蓋:10.1 cm
Length posted 套蓋:14.2 cm

你或許也見過這枝短鋼筆甚至擁有其中一枝:黑色筆桿、金色筆夾,筆蓋上有“Elite”或“E”字的字樣。Elite S短鋼筆的外表的確有點不起眼,但它的故事,絕不如它的外表般平凡⋯⋯

You may have seen or even owned one of those pocket pens which usually have a black and gold body with an “Elite” or simply “E” printed on the cap. Elite S pocket pen did look a bit ordinary, but we should not judge a pen by its appearance. The story of Elite S pocket pen is not ordinary as its appearance…

繼續閱讀 “(11/2019 Updated) The Legend of Pilot Elite S Pocket Fountain Pen Series 百樂Elite S短鋼筆家族歷史介紹"