重拾經典的溫度——SKB文明鋼筆 RS-301N(Kano) 黃銅短鋼筆 鼠團200K+特別版||S.K.B. RS-301N Brass Pocket Pen, “Lemmings” 200K+ Special Edition

S.K.B. RS-301N Brass Pocket Pen, “Lemmings” 200K+ Special Edition

Dimensions 尺寸資料

Capped 含蓋:12.0 cm

Uncapped 不含蓋:11.1 cm

Posted 套蓋:14.4 cm

Weight 重量資料

Capped 含蓋:38.5 g

Uncapped 不含蓋:25.6 g

時至今日,除了少數筆款如百樂Elite 95S,曾經在60至80年代紅極一時的日本短鋼筆已經絕跡一手市場。不過在2018年,台灣品牌S.K.B.文明鋼筆就以黃銅為材料,重新推出短鋼筆款——RS-301N短鋼。

Nowadays, other than Elite 95S launched by Pilot, we could barely find a pocket pen in the first-hand market. But the design of pocket pen hasn’t been forgotten. In 2018, S.K.B., a Taiwanese brand of Wen Ming Fountain Pen Mfg. Co., Ltd., released a brand new brass pocket pen: RS-301N.

S.K.B.簡史 The History of S.K.B.


The predecessor of S.K.B. was the “Midoriya Stationery” hold by Goro Arakawa during the Japanese Taiwan. In 1951, Lu Rong Huo took over the stationery shop and renamed it to “Wen Ming Bookstore”. In 1955, he changed the company name to “Wen Ming Fountain Pen Mfg. Co., Ltd” and started selling imported fountain pen. He then founded a new brand called “S.K.B”, which was the first local fountain pen manufacturing brand in Taiwan. The name of the brand is the acronym of “Smooth”, “Knowing” and “Beauty”.

早前有幸入手的舊SKB金桿綠色條紋短鋼,型號未明。介紹文章請「按此」。SKB vintage pocket pen, gold-plated barrel, green stripe. Please click HERE for introducing article.


In 1959, S.K.B. launched their first fountain pen model “830”. The year after, they released the fountain pen model “22”. That was a great success. “22” fountain pen became a popular gift and fashion accessories. After that, S.K.B. began to develop manufacturing techniques of gold nib production and pen barrel engraving. S.K.B. soon became one of the three major fountain pen manufacturers in Taiwan, same as Telex and Bismarck.

22型鋼筆的廣告。The advertisement of the S.K.B. 22 fountain pen.
22型鋼筆的廣告。The advertisement of the S.K.B. 22 fountain pen. Retried: https://www.takaobooks.tw/magazine-info.asp?id=372


In 1970s, Lu Rong Huo sensed the trend of ballpoint pens. He gradually stopped the production of fountain pen and focused on the ballpoint pen market. S.K.B. successfully became a giant of producing ballpoint pen. Its “202” secretary type ballpoint pen, which first launched in 1973, became an iconic ballpoint pen in Taiwan.

The “202” secretary type ballpoint pen that had been used by almost every Taiwanese people in the last century. S.K.B. is still producing it nowadays. Retried: https://www.skb.com.tw/product/631_0-7mm/


However, the ballpoint pen market of S.K.B. shrank greatly under the wave of foreign products and electronic product after 1990s. After a difficult transitional period, S.K.B. finally restarted the production of fountain pen in 2012. The RS-301N pocket pen is one of their new products. 

鋼筆介紹 Unboxing of the pen


In April 2018, S.K.B. released their new brass pocket fountain pen: RS-301N. The one shown in this article is a special edition for one of the biggest fountain-pen Facebook group “The Fountain-Pen Lemmings Brigade” in Taiwan, celebrating their achievement of over 200,000 members. It is limited to 500 pieces. 


The pen case is made of raw wood and have a paper wrap. The Chinese name of S.K.B., “Wen Ming Hang”, is engraved on the top right hand corner of the pen case.


Inside the pen case, we can see an owner’s manual printed on kraft paper and also the RS-301N pocket pen. This special edition pen set come with a nib removal tool and an extra pen nib. 


The marking on the grip of the RS-301N Lemmings special edition. From left to right are the short form of the Facebook group name: “Lemmings”, Chinese words “Jiang Hun”, which means “the soul of craftsman”, and the limited edition number of the pen.

The limited edition number of my RS-301N is “030”. It is somehow like an excited or kissy face. XD


There is a small hole on the back of the pen grip for checking whether converter or cartridge is installed inside.


The most fascinating thing about this pen would be its brass body. As far as I can see, this is the first brass Japanese-style pocket pen. Almost every part of the pen is made of brass, even the complimentary converter is covered with brass. The unique color of brass is perfectly coupled with the nostalgic and simple appearance of the RS-301N. However, due to a special coating, the body of the pen is basically not able to be naturally oxidized. It may not meet everyone’s expectations for brass pens.

Anatomy of RS-301N. The component inside the section and the nib removal tool did not have a special coating on the surface, so their color looks different. They will also be oxidized.

不過這造成了一個小問題:重量。淨筆身已重達25克,加上筆蓋更逼近40克(與之相比,白金3776 Century全筆僅重約20克)。若將筆蓋套在筆尾上,重心會往後傾,不利長期書寫。我在使用時多大不套蓋,直接書寫。雖然不套蓋使用並無不便,不過這多少算是失卻了短鋼筆可長可短的特色。

However, its brass body causes a small problem: overweight. Even without the cap, the pen weights 25 grams (In order to put it into perspective, Platinum 3776 Century is only weighted 20 grams). It is back-heavy when posted. I personally prefer not posting the cap. It feels much more comfortable in my hand without the cap. But it is somehow a loss of the special characteristic of pocket pen, which is available to be short or long. 

值得留意的是RS-301N並非如大多舊式短鋼般使用彈簧片固定筆蓋,而是藉著筆身上下兩組的卡點作固定。這種卡式筆蓋以及其筆身重量總令我聯想起鋼筆界另一枝「重量級」鋼筆:rOtring 600。

Unlike most of the Japanese pocket pen in the 1960s to 80s, RS-301N use a click-type closing mechanism on the cap. This type of cap closing mechanism and its heavy weight always reminds me another “heavyweight” fountain pen: rOtring 600.


RS-301N has an old-style hooded steel nib. The Lemmings special edition pen set come with one Fine nib and one Medium nib. I could use the nib removal tool to exchange them.

“Kano”之名的誤會 The misconception of the name “Kano”


When I was looking for the information of RS-301N, I saw some pen-friend called it “Kano”. But, in fact, it is a misconception. 

“Kano”一詞最早源於1928年在台灣南部嘉義創立的嘉義農林棒球隊(Kano Baseball Team)。他們在1931年勇奪全島冠軍,震撼台灣球壇,打破當時棒壇南弱北強、「冠軍錦旗不過濁水溪」的傳統,後來甚至遠征日本甲子園,勇奪亞軍。這段熱血的事跡在2014年被翻拍成電影《KANO》。

The word “Kano” originally came from the “Kano Baseball Team”, which was a Taiwanese baseball team established in 1928. In 1931, They were qualified to represent Taiwan island and claimed second place in Japanese High School Baseball Championship at Koshien Stadium, Japan. In 2014, their passionate story was remade into the movie “KANO”.

《KANO》電影宣傳海報。Poster of the film “KANO”. Photo from: https://char.tw/blog/post/40861117


As for why the name “Kano” has a relationship with S.K.B.? The truth is that S.K.B. once cooperated with the production company of the film “KANO” and launched the RS-301 Kano pocket ballpoint pen series. The appearance of Kano and RS-301N is quite similar, making some people misunderstand that RS-301N is one of member of the Kano family.

Kano短原子筆系列,目前似乎已經停產。Kano pocket ballpoint pen, which is already discontinued. Photo from: https://www.skb.com.tw/product/683_kano-x-skbi/
沒有聯名元素的RS-301短原子筆。共有酒紅色、黑色、深藍色和深綠色四種顏色。或許將來有機會我再可以入手跟大家介紹。The normal version of Kano: RS-301 is still in production. It come up with four colors: burgundy, black, blue and green.
彩色版本的RS-301系列原子筆:RS-301C,共有七種顏色。Colorful version of RS-301: RS-301C. Seven colors are available.     圖片來源:https://shop.skb.com.tw/精品文具/原子筆?product_id=50


S.K.B.現時仍然繼續生產RS-301N黃銅短鋼,相信是繼百樂的Elite 95S後市面上第二款現產的短鋼筆。作為短鋼愛好者,我當然樂見更多筆廠重新生產短鋼。可惜S.K.B.黃銅短鋼的知名度和討論度似乎不是很高。我私心覺得這款短鋼以此造工只賣如此價格,實在超值。若果你喜歡黃銅,或希望體驗昔日盛極一時的短鋼筆,不妨到S.K.B.的官網入手一枝試試(註:我沒有收廣告費XD)。

S.K.B. still continues to produce this RS-301N pocket pen, made it became a new choice, other than the Pilot Elite 95S, to new fountain pen user. As a big fan of pocket pen, I’m so glad to hear that more pen manufactures reproduce pocket pen. Unfortunately, the RS-301N does not seem to have much visibility and discussion. I personally think that this pen is totally worth its price. If you like brass, or you want to experience the Japanese pocket pen, I really recommend you get one for yourself on S.K.B.’s official website. 

余維達 Jerry Yu








  1. Eric:〈那些年 我們一起用過的文具〉,《SKB》,Retried:
  2. https://www.skb.com.tw/news-article/那些年-我們一起用過的文具/
  3. Mr.森:〈【療文具】1931 KANO精神內含,台灣加油!〉,《滿腦子文具》,Retried:http://skb53586656.pixnet.net/blog/post/221057278?fbclid=IwAR34DGfAt2vneq4lmgbdSZCAnoYp-lm9Bh02E5HA-Hpo7ukhtShMSHjJaK0
  4. 王文卿、陳朝樑、常君毅、鄭智元、錢文照:〈盧榮火先生訪談錄(文明鋼筆)〉,《台灣文具史(人物專訪篇)》,Retried: http://www.tasi.org/history/history_01/page_005.htm
  5. 作者不詳:〈SKBi文創系列:2014 KANO 復刻袖珍精品筆〉,《SKB》,Retried:https://www.skb.com.tw/product/683_kano-x-skbi/
  6. 作者不詳:〈關於我們〉,《SKB》,Retried: https://www.skb.com.tw/about-us/
  7. 吳雨潔:〈台灣第一支鋼筆,你知道在哪裡誕生嗎?文明鋼筆的老店新生〉,《天下雜誌》,Retried:https://www.cw.com.tw/article/article.action?id=5087694
  8. 林侑青:〈「台灣人要有一隻自己的筆!」 SKB文明鋼筆,找回書寫的力量〉,《美麗佳人》,Retried:https://www.marieclaire.com.tw/lifestyle/issue/28233?atcr=27e700
  9. 張婷臻:〈完美霸氣!和近藤教練一樣「魔鬼」的KANO精品筆〉,《Fanily》,Retried:https://www.fanily.tw/archives/16119
  10. 陳承璋:〈7元秘書筆跳級2千元市場 SKB扭轉瀕倒危機〉,《商周雜誌》,Retried:https://www.businessweekly.com.tw/magazine/Article_mag_page.aspx?id=7000944
  11. 潘弘輝:〈SKB,燦爛的一頁!——文明鋼筆股份有限公司〉,《滿腦子文具》,Retried:https://skb53586656.pixnet.net/blog/post/302321901-skb,燦爛的一頁!—文明鋼筆股份有限公司
  12. 謝一麟:〈SKB文明鋼筆——以高雄為家,寫高雄人故事的筆〉,《三餘書店》,Retried:https://www.takaobooks.tw/magazine-info.asp?id=372
  13. 闕小豪:〈《KANO》三個嘉義榮耀,一次滿足〉,Retried: https://char.tw/blog/post/40861117
