2021.03.31 Pocket Pen Collection Record 短鋼筆收藏紀錄留影





幸好早前得到外國筆友Bruno Taut的鼓勵,我重燃熱情,趁課業閒暇,一連推出兩篇SKB短鋼介紹文,總算救回這個將近荒廢的網站。真的很感謝各位筆友的支持,讓我得以繼續努力。


Time passing so quickly. Four years have gone since I first established the website “Pocket Pen Chronicle”. And now, I am already a graduating student. Four years ago, when I started my website, I had only 35 pocket pens. But now, the number of my collection have achieved 158!

One of the pleasures of collecting pocket pen is that you would never know what interesting pen you will meet. Last year, I collected a lot of minor pen manufacturers’ pocket pen, and the most impressive one would be that of Yotubishi, which features the technique of Ishime-Kanshitsu (Stone Finish) on its pen barrel. I also received pens from Morsion, Kanami, Ferme, etc. I may introduce those minor manufacturers more in the future.

Special thanks to Bruno Taut for his support. Without his encouragement, I might not rekindle my enthusiasm and took advantage of my leisure time to publish two articles about Taiwanese brand S.K.B.’s pocket pen, saving this website from not updating for nearly two years. 

I need to work on my dissertation in the following weeks, so I may not have time to write new pocket pen article. I promise that I will bring you guys more interesting pen stories after finishing those works!

2021.04.08 余維達 Jerry Yu 

Details of my collection:

  • Pilot 49, Platinum 47, Sailor 27
  • Morison 14, Kanami 3, Deluxe 3, Ferme 2, Yotubishi 1, Makoto 1, Pentel 1, Swan 1, Kaimei 1, Teikin 1, Mitukan 1, 日光 1
  • Telex 2, SKB 2, Ronson 1
